Each day brings a new idea, a new
challenge, a new success. See
what we’ve been up to lately.
ACME Cares | Hacienda CDC Food Drive
ACME Cares DEC 1, 2021 | PORTLAND, OR Hacienda CDC Food Drive Last week we wrapped up our Holiday Food Drive in partnership with Hacienda CDC and couldn't be happier with the turn out. We've been working alongside Hacienda CDC for over 3 years, each year providing more opportunities to give back. The local non-profit dedicates their efforts in enriching the lives of the local Portland community, creating opportunities for families throughout the Cully and surrounding areas. RELATED: ACME Cares Quarter Three Initiatives to Finish Strong. Collection boxes [...]
Signs for the Future | How Audiences Interact With Signs
SIGNS FOR THE FUTURE OCT 15, 2021 | PORTLAND, OR How Audiences Interact With Signs Read the signs. Signs have always been guiding us. Street signs tell us cautionary tales about upcoming hazards. Signs next to paintings inform us about what we’re viewing. And museum signs tells us where to go next. And Portland Parks took the lead with new signs. This must be a sign that we should be talking about signs. Studies found signage in parks increased activity and park visits by 7-12% (aipmonline.org). When people had more [...]
ACME Cares | Quarter 3 Update
ACME CARES SEPTEMBER 13, 2021 | PORTLAND, OR Quarter Three Community Efforts As Quarter Three is wrapping up, we reflect on our contributions to the community and what we're looking to achieve by the end of the year. ACME Cares is the center to our community outreach program, reminding us of our service to the Portland community. The goal has always been to provide opportunities for the youth in Portland. The future is dependent on the leaders we make today, so we make sure those leaders are prepared to handle whatever. [...]