Engineeringamazing, onedream at a time. KAY’S GARDENMuseum & Interpretive TENTH CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALSMuseum & Interpretive 23RD & JACKSONCommercial Interior THE STATE HOTELCommercial Interior HUNTINGTON LODGECommercial Interior WESTERN UNION HEADQUARTERSCommercial Interior SANDBOX VREvent Fabrication KEN GRIFFEY JR.Commercial Interior MULTNOMAH APARTMENTSCommercial Interior NIKE SALES EVENTEvent Fabrication HOUSE SPIRITS DISTILLERYCommercial Interior MODA CENTERCommercial Interior TIMBERLINE LODGE Retail Environment TOPEKA ZOO Museum & Interpretive COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY Museum & Interpretive BAMBOO SUSHICommercial Interior