• KAY MCFARLAND GARDEN JULY 26, 2021  |  TOPEKA, KS A Cultural Bond Built in July 2020, The Kay McFarland Garden creates an immersive environment to explore the connection between two widely different cultures. The exhibit shows how rural, Midwestern development mirrors the same principles as found in Japanese Zen Gardens. [...]


  • Camp Cowabunga African Exhibit MAY 09, 2019 | TOPEKA, KS Camp Cowabunga, an immersive African exhibit at Topeka Zoo, was based around the experiences of Director Emeritus, Gary Clarke who led over a hundred safaris in Africa. ACME partnered closely with Studio Tectonic to fabricate and install their unique design. The exhibit includes [...]



Commercial Interior
Event Fabrication
Museum and Intrepretive
Retail Environments